Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Movement into Culture

We're back to brainstorming again! Here is the description of the Movement series that we're doing in August and September:

Most people struggle to discover their purpose or mission in life. We pursue many different goals but find that they are impossible to accomplish or leave us empty once we have accomplished them. The goal of this series is to give people a clear vision of where the movement of God taking us at Damascus Road, and where it can take them too. The five weeks are drawn from the mission of Jesus while he was on earth as explained by why he said he came. (ex. I have come that you might have life and have it to the full) Jesus came to earth with a clear purpose and when he left he told his disciples that their role was to continue the work that he began. This commission he gave 2000 years ago has not expired and we are called to continue Jesus work on earth. We do this by going into our culture, expressing God’s love, communicating the truth about reality, offering people new life and a renewed relationship with God. By joining the mission of Jesus and the movement of God in the world we find our own purpose and clear direction for our lives.

Worship Brainstorming

“Movement" - week 1

August 26

This week will introduce the mission of God and explain the first part of how we join his movement today. Jesus was sent by God from Heaven to earth with a mission: to seek and save the lost. In Jesus we find the first missionary, who leaves his context and enters into a new culture. Our lives are to follow the road map he laid out for us in his life. Just as Jesus was sent from God to us with a mission, so Jesus sends us out to continue this mission of seeking and saving the lost. We join his mission first by going – by being sent ones – who go into culture living in and inviting others into the movement of God. Here are the ideas that were brainstormed. Add more as you think of them!

Worship Music

“How Shall I Send Thee?”
“You Said”-Shane Bernard
“Come One, Come All”-Mercy Me
“Marvelous Light”-Chris Tomlin (?)
“Revolution Cry”-Lifehouse

Other Music

“How to Save a Life”-The Fray
“Look After You” –The Fray
“Hands and Feet”-Audio Adrenaline
“I Will Follow”-U2
“6:30 to Sundown”-Until Tomorrow
“A Face in the Crowd”-Tom Petty
“Love is a Movement”-Switchfoot
“Last Time I Saw Jesus”-Over the Rhine
“Typical”-Mute Math
“Life Less Ordinary”-Carbon Leaf
“Stuck in a Moment”-U2
“Momentum”-The Hush Sound
“For the Want of a Nail”-Todd Rundgren

Movies/Videos Clips

visual collage of Tucson-slide show w/ music
“Superman”-fortress of solitude
“Pirates of the Caribbean: 3”-Keira Knightley
“Batman Begins”-Gotham needs destroying, Bruce Wayne says no it’s worth saving
“Blues Brothers”-we’re on a mission from God
Rob Bell video-living in the rhythm of God
“Elf”-when he enters New York
“School of Rock”-when Jack’s character first starts the class
“Dead Poet’s Society”-Robin Williams tears the books
“Mona Lisa Smile”-Julia Roberts character
“Memoirs of a Geisha”-scene of older man describing how protagonist is like water
“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Sun”-when they get to know each other
“Shawshank Redemption”-Red’s speech on Andy being like a rock
“Cold Mountain”-old woman everything has a purpose


In and Out Burger arrow-collage of arrows/signs meaning “go”
Pictures of things in motion
Laundromat and carwash-movement
Rabbi’s and Jewish fathers praying-davening
Image of someone going into a crowd-against the flow
Picture of one person in center of crowd standing still, the crowd around is moving and blurred
Getting on the bus-movement in culture-purposeful
Verb Do commercials-make our own
School House Rock
Movement-bowling and pool
Water moving
Signs directing people to their seat, etc…
Could show contrast by showing things that are static
Takes more energy to stop and start then to keep up momentum
Contrasting moving into culture and isolation
Image-seed grows into a tree, tree produces new seeds, the new seeds have to leave the tree and become its own
Image-person standing on street corner and almost steps off the curb, the image of someone diving into ocean-photoshop to have the person dive into a crowd


Body of Christ verses

Message Notes

Erwin McManus rhino, crash illustration