Monday, August 04, 2008

Visions Series

Visions Series

When Jesus left earth he entrusted his mission to a band of followers who went on to change the world. They went out into the surrounding culture, expressed God’s love, communicated the truth about reality, offered people new life and connected them to God. Damascus Road continues that mission today in Central Tucson. How can we carry out this mission? What does the future hold for us? Visions will give us a glimpse of the dreams God has given us for our community.

Week 1: Visions of a Phoenix Rising
The phoenix is a mythological bird that is immortal. At the end of its life the bird builds a nest and then ignites both the nest and itself. In its death a new phoenix rises from the ashes to begin life again. This bird is an image of the followers of Jesus. When we die to ourselves through embracing Christ we are reborn and rise from the ashes of a life of selfishness to a life defined by service to God and others. As a community we must rise above our past to become living proof to the world around us that transformation is possible and God is real. Through incredible love made tangible to the world we can become an irresistible influence on our neighborhood, community, and world.

Week 2: Visions of a Crashing Rhino
Rhinos can run at thirty miles an hour but can only see thirty feet in front of them. What lurks beyond thirty feet in front of a stampeding crash of rhinos is irrelevant to the rhinos – it better get out of the way. This is what the church should be – an unstoppable force. This force isn’t destructive like the rhinos but rather transformational. This is possible when we see the traction that exists in culture, create momentum as a community of love and become a culture of change while preserving the timeless truth of the Gospel.

Week 3: Visions of a Beautiful Mess
Our world and out lives are a mess. Thankfully we have a savior who loves our beautiful mess and will help our wounds be healed, our sins be forgiven and our messy lives be put back together. This is the dream of the church – not a place where our Sunday morning services run smoothly and our advertisements look slick and our people all smile – but a community of people sharing their real lives and faith with each other and the world – with all the mess that comes with it – because that is the type of community that no one experiences, where mess is on the table, where love is extended regardless and where a group of people are moving towards God and the restoration that is available through Jesus.